Shoes & Boots Made in Italy

Beautifully styled footwear, designed in the UK and hand crafted in Italy. 100+ designs/colours.

Thomas Bird London

Thomas Bird London. British heart, Italian soul. We focus on stylish mens formal dress footwear. More than 100 style/colour options. All high quality, hand crafted in Italy from the finest materials. Direct to stylish men worldwide, with free DHL shipping.

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Thomas Bird Collection

Quality and Italian Craftsmanship

High Quality Shoes & Boots

Our aim at Thomas Bird is to offer you a beautiful collection of designer mens dress shoes  and boots, all high quality, Italian made, but at an affordable price.   

We've created fresh designs to update the classic oxfords, wholecuts, brogues, derbys and bluchers, penny loafers, chelsea boots, harness boots and chukka boots

So they fit right into formal settings but have an extra edge of style to set them apart. We've chosen beautiful colours starting with classic black and brown and tan,  then added in new patinas in vibrant colours like oxblood, plum, green, blue and purple. As well as our standard patinas we also now offer a selection of custom patina shoes.