Eastwood Leather Chelsea Boot

Our classic Eastwood Chelsea boot in Italian leather.

Eastwood Suede  Eastwood Vibram Sole

Eastwood Chelsea Boot Oxblood

Chelsea Boot Oxblood

"Beautiful boots - classy and well made"
Eastwood Chelsea Boot Black

Chelsea Boot Black

"Incredible craftsmanship - the perfect boot"
Eastwood Chelsea Boot Tan

Chelsea Boot Tan

"The craftsmanship is impeccable - stunning!"
Eastwood Chelsea Boot Blue

Chelsea Boot Blue

"Amazing pair of Chelsea boots...the blue color hue is subtle"
Eastwood Chelsea Boot Brown

Chelsea Boot Brown

"The quality, style and feel of the boot is beautiful."
Eastwood Chelsea Boot Brown Vibram

Eastwood Vibram
Chelsea Boot Brown Vibram

"Great looking boots - Vibram sole is perfect for outdoor wear"
Eastwood Chelsea Boot Oxblood Vibram

Eastwood Vibram
Chelsea Boot Oxblood Vibram

"Fit, colour, comfort, shape... just perfect!"
Eastwood Chelsea Boot Black Vibram

Eastwood Vibram
Chelsea Boot Black Vibram

'The best leather boots I have ever had!"

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